30 Year Infrastructure Strategy for Victoria


Stakeholder and community engagement program


Nation Partners has supported Infrastructure Victoria with the development and rollout of a comprehensive stakeholder and community engagement program to help inform Victoria’s first 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy. Our detailed analysis and reporting of consultation feedback was critical to guiding decision making on Victoria’s infrastructure needs and priorities. 

Over three phases of proactive engagement, we led facilitation of two Citizen Juries – one Melbourne-based and one in regional Victoria, delivered stakeholder workshops, targeted industry roundtables, numerous meetings with local government networks, and direct engagement with community groups and leaders from key infrastructure sectors. 

We also undertook extensive analysis and reporting on online inputs, surveys and more than 600 submissions. 

Our team has enjoyed working in partnership with Infrastructure Victoria to ensure engagement approaches are carefully tailored to the differing needs of a wide range of stakeholders.


Client challenge + benefit delivered


As a newly formed independent statutory authority responsible for developing Victoria’s first 30-year infrastructure strategy, it was essential to raise stakeholder and community awareness of Infrastructure Victoria’s role and remit, and to encourage constructive feedback at key milestones of the strategy development process. The engagement program had to meet the needs of stakeholders across many sectors, with diverse interests and varying degrees of awareness.

Nation Partners designed and helped implement a multi-pronged stakeholder engagement program to support Infrastructure Victoria’s methodology for developing the 30-year strategy. 

The program included a series of roundtable discussions with industry and businesses, interviews with stakeholders in the social and environment sectors, and proactive engagement with local government networks and community groups through two phases of consultation. 

This integrated program was critical for building stakeholder understanding of the approach to developing the strategy and created new connections between Infrastructure Victoria and its stakeholders.



The recommendations of a 30-year infrastructure strategy, if implemented by government, will have a profound impact on all Victorians. Young people will be impacted by many of the decisions to meet Victoria’s future infrastructure needs and yet, as a cohort, they had not actively contributed to the first rounds of consultation. 

Nation Partners hosted a forum to bring together young people from different backgrounds and affiliations to discuss key recommendations in the draft strategy. 

Proactively drawing out the views of this less-engaged but highly interested cohort has enriched Infrastructure Victoria’s understanding of needs and expectations of tomorrow’s infrastructure users, beneficiaries and managers. 


Jenni Forrester




Infrastructure Victoria

Scope / Services:

Stakeholder engagement ›
Facilitation ›
Data analysis and reporting ›


Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Jenni Forrester
Kerry Yu
Dashiel Lawrence



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